D. A. D'Amico

Writer of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more.

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Blog posts : "podcast"

"Moment of Inertia" in audio

My story, "Moment of Inertia" is available as a podcast at The Centropic Oracle. Originally published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine's Issue 57 in April of 2013, it's one of my favorite stories. I enjoyed writing it because it's filled with hope, ingenuity, and characters I could really co…

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More Podcasts

My stories, "Recycled", and "A Trick of Memory" have been turned into podcasts by Manawaker Studios. These were two of my first published stories, and I'm happy they're now in audio. My stories always sound so different when I hear them in another voice. It's surreal.




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2 blog posts